People will often visit a place when its climate is mild and moderate. Talking about Pondicherry, tourists visit this place when its climate is at its best condition. Pondicherry can be best visited in the months of October till March. The temperature usually lies between 15 to 30 degree Celsius. It becomes not so cold and not so hot which makes its weather the best to be visited. But during the summer season its temperature reaches a height of 40 degree Celsius which makes it very uncomfortable and clumsy place to be visited. Few even visit during the monsoon season i.e. in the months of July, August, and September. It suffers quite a good amount of rainfall though people anyhow visit. Leaving aside the weather factor, Pondicherry can be visited throughout the year since the place treats itself with a bright range of festivals which is also an eye catcher for the tourists.
Depending on the climatic season:
The best time to visit Pondicherry is during the winters. During this season, the weather is best suited for sightseeing as well as an adventurous day at Pondicherry. Even in this season, it suffers slight amount of rainfall. Since it is located on a coastal area, the rainfall doesn’t become a hindrance in the pathway of visitors.
During the monsoon season, the weather conditions become quite unpredictable since rainfall can take place at any time and at any degree. Since being a coastal area it even holds a good humidity which makes it slightly difficult for tourists to visit. The rainfall helps in the growth of lush green flora and colorful flowers which makes it beautiful naturally.
During the summer season i.e. between the months of March to June the humidity percentage remains at top being 93% which makes the city hot and sweaty. The temperature ranges between 28 and 40 degree Celsius. In this temperatures the water in the beach in cooler than in any other season. Thus, one can take a dip in the water.
Depending upon the festive seasons:
During the winter, when it actually attracts maximum of the tourists Pondicherry holds the International Yoga Festival held on 7th January every year. This festival depicts and brings out the art and form of yoga. It talks about the basic instincts of yoga and holds seminar, discussions and many more.
Besides winter, the monsoon season holds the best and the most important festival of the year i.e. the birthday of Sir Aurobindo which includes a long series of celebratory activities which is held in his very own and old Ashram.
During the summer season, the most popular festival of the Villianpur Temple Car Festival is held. The festival occurs on the full moon i.e. between middle of May till middle of June. It is remarked as a religious festival. The theme of the festival is to enlighten god Shri Gokilambal Thirukameshwara. A temple car carrying an image of him roams around the whole city.
Another attraction is the French War Memorial which actually pays tribute and is a home for the brave soldiers who lost their lives in the First World War. It is celebrated on 14th of July by decorating the memorial and paying tribute to the brave martyrs.
Know more about the Golden Chariot train price for the peak and lean season.
Thus, it can be concluded that the best time to visit Pondicherry varies from person to person. Depending upon the climate the winter season best suits to attract the tourists. Whereas, on the other hand, depending upon the events that are held throughout the year one can visit Pondicherry during the season which holds one’s personal choice or interest.