How To Use Onion Juice For Hair Growth

How To Use Onion Juice For Hair Growth

Nowadays, hair loss or hair fall or baldness has become a very common problem. The market is flooded with products that claim to get rid of the problem. But these are the products that are made from harmful chemicals. If you are looking for an alternative method to deal with the hair fall problem, then try a natural way.

Onion not only increases the flavor to your food but it is a very effective way to deal with problems like hair fall. Onion juice is effective in alopecia. Applying onion juice on the scalp can help in re-growth in most of the people.

What are the benefits of Onion Oil?

The nutrients found in the onion juice when applied on the scalp will nourish the hair follicles. It can help in increasing the volume, shine, and thickness of hair. The sulfur in the onion juice helps in the growth of hair. The anti-bacterial properties of the onion juice help to fight scalp infection which is another reason of hair fall and alopecia. Onion contains antioxidants that prevent the body from free radicals. You can get great discount on beauty products online using Nykaa offers.

How to make onion juice at home

Peel off the onion and cut into four parts. Grind the cut pieces of onion with the help of a grinder. Filter the onion paste and extract the juice. Another option is to extract the onion juice with the help of a juicer. Now use freshly squeezed onion juice into your scalp.

Make Homemade Onion Juice for strong and healthier hair

  1. Coconut oil and onion juice hair mask

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties and it penetrates well in the hair follicle and can help nourish the scalp.

  • Take two tablespoons of onion juice and mix it with two tablespoons of coconut oil
  • Add 5 drops of tea tree oil and mix the ingredients.
  • Apply the mixture on your scalp and massage for 30 minutes.
  • Leave the mask on your hair for 30 minutes and then wash your hair. Use a mild shampoo.
  • You can do this on alternative days.
  1. Olive oil and onion juice

Olive oil is a great oil for massaging hair as they are highly penetrative. It can nourish the scalp and make it healthy. It is effective in fighting dandruff.

  • Take 3 tablespoons of onion juice.
  • Mix with one and a half tablespoon of olive oil. Mix well these two ingredients.
  • Massage your scalp with the mixture for a few minutes.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash with a shampoo.
  • Try this for three days in a week.
  1. Onion Juice for hair re-growth.

Here is an onion juice recipe for hair growth:

  • Take two spoons of Onion Juice, dip the cotton in it and dab the scalp with it.
  • Massage your scalp in a circular motion for few minutes.
  • Leave it for an hour.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo.
  • You can apply this method on every alternate day

  1. Yogurt and onion juice hair pack

Here is a recipe for hair-growth pack using yogurt and onion:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Mix with 1 tablespoon of onion juice.
  • Apply this pack on hair, and cover it with a shower cap and leave it for an hour.
  • Wash thoroughly with a good shampoo

Yogurt can help prevent hair fall and get rid of dandruff.

  1. Castor oil and onion juice for hair growth

Here is how you can make a hair growth oil with castor oil and onion oil:

  • Take two teaspoons of castor oil and add two spoons of onion juice.
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp and massage in a circular motion for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave it to for an hour and then wash it with a shampoo

Castor oil is one of the oldest remedies used for fighting hair fall problem. It helps in the re-growth of the hair. Using it with onion juice can nourish your scalp. You can see the latest result from fresh hiring.

Points to remember while using onion juice on hair

  1. Always use fresh onion for juice and filter it using a muslin cloth to remove the flaky onion particles.
  2. You can store the juice in the fridge for a maximum of 5 days.
  3. Always do a patch test to check for any kind of reaction or allergy.
  4. If the pungent smell of the onion bothers you then you can add any essential oil of your choice in onion juice mixture. Use mild shampoo to wash hair.

The Bottom-Line

The effect of the onion juice for hair treatment can take time to show the result. The results can vary from person to person and completely depends upon the problem. It is a safe method that can nourish your hair.

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