Can You Boost Your Marketing with a SMS Service?

Can You Boost Your Marketing with a SMS Service?

Companies of all sizes are finding out that they can integrate SMS marketing into a huger marketing strategy. More and more businesses are inkling towards sms for their declarations, schemes, and marketing. They know that there is rarely any other thing that can keep the connection intact with the customers and clients than that of sms.

 It is essential to mention that sms is the most immediate marketing channel that is available to marketers.  It could leave your jaws opened that ninety three percent of text messages are opened and read. Most of these messages are even read inside three minutes of delivery. Isn’t it so amazing, exciting, and boosting?  Believe it or not the direct communication with your consumers or clients can help you stimulate an immediate buying. The quicker the communication, the sooner consumers may make a buying.

Icing on the cake is that the usage of this direct communication can even nurture lasting bonds between brands and the consumers they have.  So, make sure that you speak with a Bulk sms service provider and get started with this magical move. Once you have talked to a professional service, it will get you a platform to send your message in bulk that too in a click of mouse or button.  Once you abode the world of sms and messaging; you may take your business to next levels.

It has been seen by a research that thirty one percent of consumer’s doo respond to a survey through smartphone. The brands and businesses can start surveys through SMS and get results in comparatively short amount of time. The normal reply time is less than six minutes. Everybody knows that the feedback of customers is valued information for businesses. Such a data helps the business to enhance its products.  This customer feedback also turns out to be really helpful for the company to learn more about the market trends and get a good understanding of what the customers love and what they really not.

Amazing Efficiency

Talking about the efficiency, these text messages are usually delivered within seconds. The general SMS delivery time for most of the mobile carriers is less than ten seconds. Your brands can easily deliver time-sensitive messages punctually. A research shows that sixty two percent of smartphone users check their phones immediately after waking up, whereas seventy nine percent check their phones inside fifteen minutes of waking up. With the brands struggling to improve email deliverability, the amazing SMS deliverability leaves no question that the SMS marketing is a valued investment.

You may have heard about the higher open rates, have you? Well, these rates can make a marketing campaign much effective. With a ninety percent open rate, SMS open rate is somewhat triple that of general email open rate.  The brands don’t need to tense about making great subject lines that is going to encourage recipient to open and read the message.


So, since bulk sms can do wonders for your business and growth, you should try it out right away.

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